Jargonfly in depth
Easiest way to sync tasks from Google Docs to Asana.
$3 /month
Sync tasks from Google Docs to Asana.
$6 /month
Sync tasks from Asana to Google tasks.
$8 /month
Both Google Docs and Google Task integrations.
Step 1
Create an account on Jargonfly.
Step 2
Under settings use Oauth to authenticate your Jargonfly account with Asana.
Step 3
Install the Jargonfly Google Workspace Add-on.
The primary advantages of using Jargonfly Google Workspace Add-on.
Seemless integration from Google Docs to Asana.
A couple of clicks per document to sync from Google Docs to Asana tasks.
Link from Asana task back to Google Document, Link from Google Document to Asana Tasks.
Quick support on any issues encountered.
Save hours of your time every month but automatically linking tasks from Google Docs to Asana.
Setup your account in minutes.
Stop the tedious process of copying and pasting tasks from Google Docs to Asana.
Always be able to link from the Google Doc to the Asana Task and from the Asana Task to the Goolge Document.
See the latest news on Jargonfly in our Blog.
Easiest way to sync tasks from Google Docs to Asana.
What do I need to start?
You need a google account and a Asana account, Jargonfly will link these accounts in our backend application.
How does Jargonfly decide what to create tasks for?
There is a setting in Jargonfly to specify what part of the document the tasks will be created for.
What does it cost?
During the Beta period there is no charge for Jargonfly, after the Beta there will be a monthly charge.
How do I make contact if there are more questions?
Follow the contact link on this page.